Friday, October 15, 2010

Bryan & Jessica

Springfield, MO

I would like to introduce to you, Bryan & Jessica, one of the sweetest couples who will be getting married next fall!   I had such a great time with these two and cannot wait to be a part of their wedding!  They will be getting married May 28, 2011 at Samuel Cedars in Rogersville, MO which by the way is an outdoor venue, my favorite...WOO-HOO!

I could immediately tell how much they both just absolutely adore one another from the moment they sat down across from me at a local coffee house.  It was so sweet and definitely touched the sweeter, sappier side of me : )

Our session started at Jordan Valley Park and we were anxious to make our way to the fountains.  It was very crowded around them when we first arrived so I suggested we use some of the other areas first and then work our way down the bottom of the hill.  Not such a good'll see why later!

For this next shot, I used both sides of a hill, but really liked how the silhouette version turned out

So we make our way down to the fountains, and there are still at least a dozen kids playing around and just wouldn't budge, so instead we decided to use the stone river like part that leads down to the fountains first.

And yes, they really truly are as sweet as they look in every single photo!  I wonder how many times I said "awwwwe" as I worked on these photos???

We've done all we can, and so we go to the fountains, which by the way are on some kind of timer and shoot up every few minutes or something.  I get Bryan & Jessica just where I want them, and I finally notice who I think were parents asking at least two of the 5 or 6 kids to move so I can take pictures.   Not kidding, I bet we waited more than 10 minutes for the kids to finally move.  I just kept promising it would only take me 2 minutes and then we would be out of their way.  So finally everything is all set, I go to snap the photo...I'm waiting, it goes to shoot up and only goes about 2 feet up rather than the probably 8 feet it normally does.  A mom just looked at me and says, yeah, they are scheduled to shut off at this time every day.  Hmmmm, so you already knew this as you watched me waiting oh so patiently for everyone to move.  Thankfully, it gave us a good laugh, and we still had some more places to go.  But in any case, here is the shot of the lovely fountains!  HA!!!

And finally, one of my favorites from the day...

Some of the questions that I asked Jessica...

1.)  Where did you two meet?
   Bryan and I actually dated in high school for a was my senior year and Bryan was getting ready to go off to college.  We kind of just met by chance and started talking all the time.  We weren't together very long because he was going off to college.  Shortly after he graduated, he looked me up on Facebook and we have been together ever since.  

2.)  How long have you been together?
   We have been together for almost a year and half this time.

3.)  How did he propose?
   Bryan actually went "home" (Springfield) for the weekend to see some friends.  Apparently they all went to the mall and he told me he had gotten me something but he wouldn't tell me.  When he got home that night, I kept begging him for it, but he was teasing me and told me it was a Christmas gift.  Of course, I was throwing a fit, I didn't want to wait, so I kept begging and begging.  He went out to the car to get it and came back in with it behind his back.  I was in the bedroom getting ready for dinner and when he came in the room with his hands behind his back I knew he had my present.  So I said "is that my present?"  He said, "you have to guess what it is!"  I kept naming off random things like shoes, clothes, cd's, whatever I could think of.  After a while I was getting frustrated and said "ok babe just give it to me, I give up?"  Then he brought it around and I saw that it was a jewelry box that was open with a ring in it and Bryan (being kind of shy and nervous about the whole thing) mumbled "will you marry me?" and I acted in such disbelief about the whole thing and couldn't believe it!  It was the LAST thing I was expecting!  I said "are you serious???  oh my gosh, yes I'll marry you!!"  It was one of the greatest moments in my life!

4.)  What are you most looking forward to on your wedding day?
   Bryan would say "joking around" shoving cake in my face!  But I think we both agree on our first dance as husband and wife.  I would also have to say that another thing I'm looking forward to is the look on his face when he first sees me coming down the aisle.  To me, the look on his face will always be a moment I will never forget.  

See...I told you those two are the sweetest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bryan and Jessica, I cannot WAIT for May 28th to arrive!  I had such a great time with you for this engagement session and am so ansy to see what a beautiful bride and groom you two are going to make!  


Carolyn7971 said...

These are amazing! Great job Heather! Can't wait til these are hanging on my living room wall!

Unknown said...

Wonderful job Heather! And you are right- they ARE one of the sweetest couples on earth!

Jessica said...

Yes Heather, these were great pictures! Bryan and I were completely happy with everything! We had so much fun while taking all these too. We are looking forward to the wedding and seeing all the great pictures from that as well!! Thank you so much for all the great work, we appreciate everything you do!!!